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These are the stories of the adventures and (often times) misadventures of the Cunninghams.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today was a pretty stressful day. The Oklahoma Bar results were released this afternoon. After not sleep much last night, I was a nervous wreck all morning. The Bar told us that the results would be up around noon, but even still I diligently checked the website about every 5 minutes since 8 this morning.

Finally at 11, I told myself "self, you have to get some work done and not think about the test." So I made a pact not to check again until 11:30. Wouldn't you know, Ashley called me at 11:24 to say "the results are up but there's no list of names."

I immediately went to the website to confirm Ashley's report. Sure enough, no list. There was however, the summary of the results which were absolutely horrifying. The website said:

"A total of 110 took the exam; 62 passed; pass rate 56%."

My heart dropped and started beating rapidly. I became nauseous. My mouth got dry. I could only see out of my left eye.

I refreshed the page every second for about the next five minutes though it felt like a lifetime. My hands were shaking uncontrollably and I started sweating. Finally after an eternity the list came up! I swallowed hard and quickly scrolled down the page. Then there in all its glory was the beautiful name -- "Bradley Keith Cunningham".

I passed the bar. Whew!!

We want to thank all of you who have been very supportive through this period. I can't say enough how much it means to us. I really want to thank my boss, KGM. She has been great through all of this - which has been hard for her. She is torn in this situation because she wants us to be happy (which means moving to Tulsa), but also loves having us in town as family and me at the office (for some reason).

I particularly want to thank my beautiful, loving and amazing wife. She is the best! She put with my weird study habits and not seeing me for 2 months. She is awesome and I am so blessed to be able to share these joys with her.

Hank you were a great study buddy. Thanks for sleeping on my shoulder while studied and keeping me company.

See you in Oklahoma!!