We haven't posted anything in a while. Both of us have been very busy - as I am sure many of you are.
I (Brad) has been studying for the Oklahoma Bar Exam non-stop since the beginning of the year. My typical weekday is get up early and study for 1 to 2 hours. Then get ready and go to work. Work until 6:30-7. Come home, eat dinner, then study for another hour or two then go to bed. I also try to study during my lunch at work. On the weekends so far I am studying around 6 hours a day. I think this will crank up after this week to 8 or more hours a day on the weekends.
I remember the day after I finished the Texas Bar Exam a few years ago. I took all of my materials and threw them away and swore that I would never take another bar exam! I guess that is really coming back to haunt me?
Good talk.