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These are the stories of the adventures and (often times) misadventures of the Cunninghams.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today was an amazing day in my classroom.  We started off talking about the importance of today and MLK Day.  We did a lesson where we all read different article about the new president and his family.  Then we shared what we learned with each other.  

The most AMAZING part was watching my students eyes when President Obama was taking the oath and giving his speech.  While I'm not sure they understood everything he was saying, they did see that he was an African American man standing as the leader of our country.  Side note---he is a great speaker, isn't he?  I could sit and listen to him talk all day long.

We ended our lesson today by writing a letter to President Obama.  I walked by a young girl's desk and watched her write about her journey from El Salvador to America in the 4th grade.  She was saying thank you for giving her a place to go to school.  A place where she could learn to read (and play soccer :-) ).  I could tell by her writing that she felt blessed to have the opportunity to live in this great country. We have so much to be thankful for! 

Isn't Great To Be An American!!!!! Happy Inauguration Day!

Monday, January 19, 2009


We haven't posted anything in a while. Both of us have been very busy - as I am sure many of you are.

I (Brad) has been studying for the Oklahoma Bar Exam non-stop since the beginning of the year. My typical weekday is get up early and study for 1 to 2 hours. Then get ready and go to work. Work until 6:30-7. Come home, eat dinner, then study for another hour or two then go to bed. I also try to study during my lunch at work. On the weekends so far I am studying around 6 hours a day. I think this will crank up after this week to 8 or more hours a day on the weekends.

I remember the day after I finished the Texas Bar Exam a few years ago. I took all of my materials and threw them away and swore that I would never take another bar exam! I guess that is really coming back to haunt me?

Good talk.